Columns and Features    News, Reviews, and More!
 About AMIGA REPORT     Staff, Copyright information
 Dealer Directory      Amiga Dealer Addresses and Numbers
 Commercial Online Services Sign-Up Information
 FTP Announcements      New Files Available for FTP
 AR Distribution Sites    Where to get AMIGA REPORT

         //    |                                            |        //
%%%%%%%%//%%%%%| Amiga Report International Online Magazine |%%%%%%%//%%%%%
%%   \\//      | Issue No. 2.18                June 3, 1994 |    \\//    %%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%| "Your Weekly Source for Amiga Information" |%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    The Editor's Desk      Amiga News               Dealer Directory       
    Distribution BBS's     Product Announcements    Emulation Editor
    Reader Mail            AR Contest!              UseNet Review
                            SPECIAL FEATURES 

  compt.sys.amiga ..........................................Jason Compton
  Disk Port Amiga Networking ..........................Douglas Nakakihara
  SatTrack v4.1 .........................................Randy Stockhouse
  Message from Blazemonger ................................Daniel Barrett
  Files on your HardDrive ..................................David Tiberio

%%               DELPHI   PORTAL   FIDO   INTERNET           %%

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